Realtek Alfa Awus036h Driver Free Download

Posted : admin On 13.06.2020

Hello, I read here that if I had access to an internet connection, I could use the 'Search Automatically for Updated Driver Software' wizard to download the correct driver file for the AWUS036H USB Wireless network adapter.

I think Windows 10 was released in a haphazard way by Microsoft even when there were so many bugs yet to be removed after getting feedback for technical preview version. I had no issue on my licensed Windows 7 Home and before upgrading to Windows 10. I carried out compatibility test with my already installed apps and drivers. And at that stage it gave me 1 incompatibility issue with an app. And once I upgraded to windows 10 my IDT sound driver, Alfa AWUS036H and so many other apps were corrupted / defunct. Windows 10 is an immature OS with a lot of backward compatibility issues. The installation of older apps in compatibility mode is seemed to be an eyewash. Only 1% apps successfully get installed in that mode. It's my biggest mistake that I trusted this OS and ruined my stable Windows 7 OS. I have more than 1500 Apps installed on my PC and startup shows only a few. Some services start up during boot and remains closed in next boot. I had a loss of huge amount of money coz of cancelling my contract with my client as a freelancer coz I ruined up my needed apps after upgrading it to windows 10. Sometimes system hangs up without any warning. Event viewer shows usb driver issue. Watch Dog blue screen of death. Stub error during Access Control. All **** is going on.

You can use AWUS036H by simply pointing to the win64 or win86 folder to update driver but now u cannot use your awus036h to control its power or as an AP.

But it hardly matters to Microsoft coz they are not having pain for you.

  1. ALFA AWUS036H Wireless LAN Driver and Utility, free download. ALFA AWUS036H Wireless LAN Driver and Utility: ALFA NETWORK Inc.
  2. How do I install drivers for. The ALFA AWUS036H adapter is based on the Realtek. Sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` cd Downloads.

May be Mr Bill Gates being a Software Engineer get some time to develop empathy and feel some pain for us in which we engineers are entangled after getting this buggy OS installed in our machines.

Active3 years, 6 months ago

I bought this network adapter from Amazon and I don't know how to install the drivers. The adapter comes with a CD for drivers and when I put it in, it has .autorun.exeautorun.icoautorun.csp, and autorun.inf.

I know that it supports Linux because when I installed them on my Windows (Dual-boot) it asked me if I wanted to Linux drivers, Mac, or Windows. Download drivers pcchips a15g v1.0.


Alfa Network Awus036h Driver

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1 Answer

The ALFA AWUS036H adapter is based on the Realtek RTL8187 chipset. The drivers should be built into Ubuntu, but you may want to try installing the latest from Realtek:

Alfa Awus036h Driver Free Download

  1. Download the 'Linux driver for Kernel 3.0.0/3.1.0/3.2.0' from the Realtek website here.
  2. It will open in Archive Manager; extract the rtl8187L_linux_1041.0209.2012 folder to your Downloads folder.
  3. Open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T, and type/paste the following, one line a time:

Then reboot, and your AWUS036H should be detected.

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